
When you walk into a building constructed in another time, your eye seeks clues into how the architect intended the space to be used. Your gaze rests on cracked plaster, brickwork, hardwood floors. These and other original details give the building character and personality, even if they are partially hidden behind the patina of unsuitable paint colors, garish wallpaper, and years of misuse.

Our stories are like that — the fictional ones at least. If you look closely, and tease up a corner of the carpet when no one is looking, you can find the original details that yield clues about the people and spaces that give our stories meaning. We have tried to remain true to the spirit of the events, even as we have tried to make them comfortable for a generation that favors open floor plans and stainless steel appliances.

All of the stories we provide here will be free, although each artist retains all rights to the content they allow us to publish here. You won't be bombarded with ads. If you appreciate what we do, please let us know by reaching out on our Contact page, or by donating a small amount on our Patreon page. We will use every dollar to keep the lights on and the stories coming.

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