We tell stories

Everyone has a story.

Most of our stories developed around conversations with colleagues and friends as we consoled each other through the trials of questionably competent management. Over time, some of them took on epic proportions.

Now we are making our stories available to you. Whether they are the somewhat embellished tales of surviving careers in public education, or the things we learned about success along the way, we hope they help you face your Mondays.

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Nick Lodestone Pagan Detective

Chapter 6

Our eyes lingered in a moment of hope and uncertainty. “Do you suppose,” Earthsong began but did not bring herself to finish.

“I do,” I replied with a gentle smile, “but we should try not to jump to any conclusions. Let’s just take first things first — like, for example, how are we going to get inside this joint?”

For a while, I looked thoughtfully at the opening in the foundation and then I moved my gaze to Earthsong. I took another long look at the opening in the foundation and then I looked at Earthsong speculatively. I then moved my gaze meaningfully back and forth between the hole and my lady fair until she caught the implication. Assuming a look of outrage, she took off after me and began flogging me with a hastily acquired handful of dandelion stems while yelling, “You’re nuts, Lodestone if you think I’m climbing down that.”

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Irreverent Album Covers

Color Blind and Tone Deaf

What do you do if you are the CEO of a struggling digital security company, living in one of the major urban centers of a country that is experiencing protests related to race relations and police brutality? According to sources, you issue an apology for sending out a strongly worded message about the language that will not be tolerated during these difficult times, because all lives matter.

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615 Locust

Swan Song

It was snowing in Cindy’s office. Icy powder fell from carefully engineered nozzles hidden in the ceiling. It was the perfect use of the former medical building’s water purification systems and the cooling loop that used to keep medicines stable. A few taps on her tablet replaced the powder with big flakes of wet snow. She would be able to make a snowman during lunch.

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I Am Being Coached

The Opportunity in Uncertainty

While I was working in the garden this morning, I reflected on the way a simple thing such as edging the flower beds relates to many things in my life. It is a Wednesday in the middle of June. How do I have time to work on my garden? I have time because an unexpected change with the financial stability of the company I was working for led to my position — and those of about ten percent of the company — being eliminated. Thankfully, I have prepared for this my whole adult life. I have no debt, and enough resources to continue operating in a normal fashion for a while. Sometimes I catch myself panicking and worrying. I will discuss that in another article.

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