
615 Locust

Type Fiction
Artist Various

These are the stories that got most of us interested in writing. Enter the world of the Collegium — a mid-western university whose main campus is located in Columbia, Missouri. The IT Department, located in a refurbished medical building, is full of unlikable characters and unlikely heroes. Whether you have worked in IT, or been one of their customers, there is something you can relate to down the street at 615 Locust.

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Irreverent Album Covers

Type Fiction
Artist David Fannin

This project started the way so many of David's creative endeavors do. One of his friends had a terrible week at work. When we find ourselves in frustrating or seemingly overwhelming situations, one of the best feelings we often have is when we realize someone else hears and understands our struggle. At that moment, we realize we are not alone.

The fictitious album covers are David's attempts to show people they are not alone, and to inject some humor into the absurdity of working for other people.

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I Am Being Coached

Type Nonfiction
Artist David Fannin

Since the latter part of 2015, David has been working with a coach to push himself to reach farther than he thought he could. He has taken notes about what he learned from the beginning. Now he is sharing his progress and lessons learned.

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Nick Lodestone Pagan Detective

Type Fiction
Artist Alan Arnold

Sit back and enjoy the tales of a pagan detective, told in an episodic format hearkening back to days gone by. If you long for a dark and stormy night, Nick Lodestone is your guilty pleasure.

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