Nick Lodestone

Pagan Detective

Chapter 6

In our last episode, Nick Lodestone has a terrifying nightmare but finds the strength, not to mention the sartorial accouterments, to persevere. When Earthsong calls with a new and important clue to the disappearance of Bastet, Nick’s hesitation gives way to curiosity. Returning to her digs, he and Earthsong follow the new lead to an opening in the case. The story weaves on….

Our eyes lingered in a moment of hope and uncertainty. “Do you suppose,” Earthsong began but did not bring herself to finish.

“I do,” I replied with a gentle smile, “but we should try not to jump to any conclusions. Let’s just take first things first — like, for example, how are we going to get inside this joint?”

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Chapter 5

In the last episode of Nick Lodestone, Pagan Detective, Nick pays a visit to his old friend Artemis Ironwood. Artemis gives him a few more leads and an offer to help figure out the dark affair in the local park. She also teaches him a thing or two about potatoes. After an enjoyable conversation and little dab of discipline, Nick hits the road home only to have a strange and portentous dream along the way. Just missing his shot at enlightenment, Nick returns to his flat and learns of a break in the familiar case. We continue with the story…..

I was still feeling a little hazy as I found myself turning down the street toward Earthsong’s quaint two-story brownstone. I’d managed to carry that “just awakened” feeling with me all the way across town. Still, the sun was warm and a festive menagerie of blossoms yielded a melange of aromas both subtle and powerful. Goddess, there’s such magic in the summer. I could feel myself coming around. I traversed the flat smooth stones of the sidewalk pondering the chaotic events that had brought me here. Fleeting images from earlier in the day drifted by, beginning with my wake-up call from Earthsong. She had seemed almost gleeful when we spoke on the phone. “I have a wonderful surprise,” she’d said and then added in a capricious tone, “but I won’t say what it is until you come over.” I smiled and shook my head. What a playful little scamp. No wonder I was crazy about her.

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Chapter 4

In our last episode, Nick Lodestone, Pagan Detective entertains a divine visitor who has a lot to drink and even more to say. Later that same evening, Nick is visited by the police detective Robin Goodfellow who had called him in on a consult. Robin drags Nick to a park across the city where it appears that a bloody ritual sacrifice has been performed. In the course of his investigation, Nick decides that the ritual is a fake and that Robin Goodfellow is a more crafty fellow than anyone realized. After checking out the park, Nick heads to the Wild Hunt where he spends some time with his old friend Artemis Ironwood. They are just discussing the dark business in the park as the conversation continues…

Artemis’ face darkened. She looked like a bad storm brewing. Her voice became flat and emotionless when she spoke but I caught a little tremble in her hand.

“Who would do a thing like that, Nick?” she said.

“I’d like to know.” I looked at her taut, muscular frame and wished for a moment that I could tell her. I’ve always wondered what it would be like to see someone pulled apart like a pack of brown ’n serve rolls. Fortunately for the perpetrator, I hadn’t a clue at the moment.

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Chapter 3

In the last episode Nick Lodestone, Pagan Detective, gets the scoop on a beautiful woman and a scary cat. Against Nick’s better judgment, Earthsong somehow convinces him to take the case. After searching Earthsong for clues, Nick returns home only to answer a phone call from Benny Loneoak. Nick learns from Benny that he is being anxiously sought after by Detective Robin Goodfellow. It seems that a ritual sacrifice has been performed in a neighborhood park and Robin wants Nick’s help.

The conversation continues . . .

I sat silent for a moment contemplating my choices. After a while Benny said, “Hello. Nick? Anybody there?”

“Sorry Benny,” I offered. “I was just trying to sort through all this stuff. Did Goodfellow leave any instructions for me?”

“Oh yeah,” Benny muttered, “I almost forgot.” There followed a series of shuffling and crinkling sounds laced with mild swearing. “Ah, here it is. The detective left you a phone number for central dispatch and said you could ask someone there to page him. They’ll be waiting for your call. He also said he’d get back to you as soon as he could break free. He’s got a meeting and some interviews so it may be a while.”

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Chapter 2

In our last episode, Nick Lodestone, Pagan PI, receives a dark premonition and a strange phone call. In the course of the call, Nick is offered what seems like a routine case with a few weird twists. While considering his options, he begins his quest with a trip to a favorite information broker and Druid bartender, Benny Loneoak. True to form, Benny has some information. Nick is reminded that not all news is good.

I shook my head wearily. This was one time when Benny could have shown a little more sensitivity. When I think about it though, he did only charge me thirty bucks. That’s pretty lenient by his usual standards. In fact, it was lenient enough that I found myself growing anxious to know how much I was really gettin’ for my money.

“So, what are ya waitin’ for?” I nudged. Bad news or not, I wanted it out on the table.

At my urging, Benny leaned forward and said quietly, “Earthsong is on the level. She’s completely clean.”

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Chapter 1

Goddess, it was hot; a sultry, relentless kind of hot. Between the squeaking of the ceiling fan and the sweat trickling down my back, I was about to bug out. I reached for a cold drink but remembered that I didn't have one. The cooler was bare and had been for a while. To fill it, I needed some cash and for that I needed a case. I cast an eye toward my altar and a bronze statue of the Horned One. He seemed composed despite the heat. I smiled. "I admire your ability to take all of this in stride," I told him, "but it wouldn't hurt to have a paying client, if you catch my drift." He offered no words of comfort. By the way, I suppose I should introduce myself. The name is Lodestone. Nick Lodestone. I'm a pagan and I'm a private eye. When the job calls for someone who can walk between the worlds, I'm your man. My reality is an exotic mix of mysticism and sensuality; of spirit and of flesh. Let’s just say I've seen a few things.

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