Nick Lodestone

Pagan Detective

About The Author

Early in my young life, I was said to show a clear penchant for greatness. I couldn’t be bothered to look up the word, ‘penchant’ however and that greatness never quite materialized. What did materialize was a heroic lack of focus which, I’m proud to say, persists to this very day. Focus aside, I did muster enough ambition to pursue my education to an MA in Medieval History. Along the way, I became a passably good saxophone player and a closet writer in the mix. I suppose 'dilettante' is the word that comes to mind. Anyway, in addition to being a performing musician (mainly in the jazz idiom), I’m an avid reader, a practicing pagan and I’ve been known to write short stories, articles and I’m working on a novel or two. I’ve also dallied with writing op ed pieces but I apparently overuse the ‘F’ word when dealing with politics, so I’ve put that dream aside.

Currently, I live in Columbia, Missouri with my lovely wife of many years where I work as a Database Administrator. I also have two great sons who add considerable joy to my life. My story told, I hope you enjoy the Nick Lodestone Series. If you do, I’ll keep writing them.

Photo of the author

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